I am sending a commands to Robot and then wait to get answer
Yes, what you have will work.
But things start to get interesting when you factor in the chance that the robot will not respond for whatever reason. Then you need to provide for a timeout on the response. Soon other things start to creep in. For example, you may not want to be stuck in the read for the duration of the wait, because you may need to service other events (user input or other sources) as they comes in.
A common architecture to handle this is to use select() and make it the hub of all your incoming events. Then you drive a state machine (or machines) off these events. You end up with an event driven architecture. It would look something like this:
select(fds for event sources, timeout);
if (timeout)
call robot state machine(timeout);
iterate through fds
if (fd has data)
read data into buf
if (fd is for robot)
call robot state machine(buf)
else if (fd is for source1)
call source1 state machine(buf)
In this model, sends can be done from anywhere in the code. But you wind up sitting in the select() after, waiting for events. Also, you will have to figure out the details of doing the correct timeout and select in general, but there is enough of that out there.