



Hi! I'm having problems with horizontal scrolling inside Pivot control in WP7. I have a Grid with ScrollViewer and ten or more buttons inside. Since all buttons don't fit on the screen i need to be able to horizontally scroll. But when i click and drag on buttons the whole Pivot page starts moving and eventually switches to next pivot page. (buttons inside ScrollView also scroll but only for short distance)

Can I somehow disable Pivot page switching when I click inside ScrollView?

+3  A: 


It's not a good idea from a user experience perspective to have a horizontal scroll on top of a control that also slides horizontally. I don't know how you'd go about absorbing the manipulation events within the scroll viewer, without affecting the pivot control but, personally, I would rethink the design. Could your ScrollViewer scroll vertically instead, or possibly on another page, but is accessed via the Pivot control?

I guess i could make a vertical scroll but where is fun in that? :) I was hoping that there's a way to disable pivot scroll when clicking on some controls. For example, when i put horizontal Slider control on page I can drag it left-right without any problems.
+2  A: 

I want you to re-evaluate your User experience on this UI since that is not a recommended experience as per the Guidelines. Recommend to consider Panorama control for such a case you referring above.

Jobi Joy