I have some code that approximates a solution recusively, what it actually does is not important, but it works towards r' == rt by varying mg (m guess, starting with 4.0 because I "know" that ought to be in the ballpark).
solve_m f ar st qt = solve_m' f ar st qt 4.0
solve_m' f ar st qt mg
| rd > precis = f' (mg - sf)
| rd < (-precis) = f' (mg + sf)
| otherwise = mg
f' = solve_m' f ar st qt
rt = st + qt
r' = f st ar mg
rd = rt - r'
sf = abs(rd)
What I would like to be able to do is count the number of cycles, I know the right way to do this is with the State monad, but what is the most elegant way to fit the put/get into a function like this? Make f' a do block? Or is it simply to add a counter solve_m' and return (counter, mg)?
Edit: This seems to be basically what I want, and no Monads necessary:
solve_m f ar st qt = (last (series), length(series))
series = takeWhile termPred (iterate solve_m' 4.0)
termPred m' = (abs (rt - (f st ar m'))) > precis
rt = st + qt
solve_m' mg
| rt > r' = (mg - sf)
| rt < r' = (mg + sf)
r' = f st ar mg
rd = rt - r'
sf = abs(rd)
Still looks a little messy (repeated code) but I'll tidy it up... This is getting me acceptable results in 1/10000th of the iterations of the code it will replace!