I've been playing around with canvas a lot lately. Now I am trying to build a little UI-library, here is a demo to a simple list (Note: Use your arrow keys, Chrome/Firefox only) As you can tell, the performance is kinda bad - this is because I delete and redraw every item on every frame:
this.drawItems = function(){
if(this.current_scroll_pos != this.scroll_pos){
setTimeout(function(me) { me.anim(); }, 20, this);
for (var i in this.list_items){
var pos = this.current_scroll_pos + i*35;
if(pos > -35 && pos < this.height){
if(i == this.selected){
this.ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
this.ctx.fillText (this.list_items[i].title, 5, pos);
this.ctx.fillStyle = '#999';
} else {
this.ctx.fillText (this.list_items[i].title, 5, pos);
I know there must be better ways to do this, like via save() and transform() but I can't wrap my head around the whole idea - I can only save the whole canvas, transform it a bit and restore the whole canvas. The information and real-life examples on this specific topic are also pretty rare, maybe someone here can push me in the right direction.