Hello, would like to learn how I can calculate the time between two dates. I am working on an Unlock user functionality and the following is what I have:
// get offender's username from session
$username = $_SESSION['UserName'];
$checklockoutexpiration = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT IsLockedOut, LastLockoutDate FROM users WHERE UserName = '$username' Limit 1") or die($dataaccess_error);
if(mysqli_num_rows($checklockoutexpiration) == 1)
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($checklockoutexpiration);
$islockedout = $row['IsLockedOut'];
$lastlockoutdate = $row['LastLockoutDate'];
if(**$islockedout == 1 && $lastlockoutdate + LOCKOUT_DURATION_IN_MINUTES < getdate()**)
// unlock user
The lockout date is in the database in a form of NOW() and looks like 2010-10-13 13:01:05. I assume it is server time which at the moment is my local development machine.
QUESTION: How can I do the bold line in the code.
In asp.net I would do something like:
// if lockout datetime + lockout duration is less than datetime now
if (usrInfo != null && usrInfo.IsLockedOut && usrInfo.LastLockoutDate.ToUniversalTime().AddMinutes(passwordAttemptLockoutDuration) < DateTime.UtcNow)
// then automatically Unlock user
Could some one please show me how this is done? Thank you!