



I'm trying to determine if a phrase is a palindrome (a word that is the same from left to rigth) or not but i can't make it work. What's wrong?, i can't use pointers or recursion or string type variables

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main()


 int i,j = 0,length;
 char space = ' ';
 char phrase [80],phrase2[80],phrase3[80];

 printf("Give me the phrase: ");
 length = strlen(phrase);

 for(i =0; i <= length - 1; i++)
  if(phrase[i] != space)    //Makes the phrase without spaces
   phrase2[i] = phrase[i];

 for(i = length -1; i >= 0;i--)
  if(phrase[i] != space)    //Makes the phrase backwards an without spaces
   phrase3[j] = phrase[i];

 length = strlen(phrase2);

 for(i =0; i <= length -1;i++)      //Compare the phrases to know if they are the same
  if(phrase2[i] != phrase3[i])
   printf("It's not a palindrome\n"); 
   return 0;
 printf("It's a palindrome\n");
 return 0; 
+2  A: 

Try this:

 for(i =0, j=0; i <= length - 1; i++)
  if(phrase[i] != space)    //Makes the phrase without spaces
   phrase2[j] = phrase[i];

 for(i = length -1, j = 0; i >= 0;i--)
  if(phrase[i] != space)    //Makes the phrase backwards an without spaces
   phrase3[j] = phrase[i];

 length = j;


In response to Praetorian's post here's the code to do it without copying the string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
  int i, j, length;
  char space = ' ';
  char phrase[80];

  printf("Give me the phrase: ");
  length      = strlen(phrase);

  for( i = 0, j = length - 1; i < j; i++, j-- ) {
    while (phrase[i] == space) i++;
    while (phrase[j] == space) j--;
    if( phrase[i] != phrase[j] ) {
      printf("It's not a palindrome\n");
      return 0;

  printf("It's a palindrome\n");
  return 0; 
Andrew Cooper
wow finally, thanks bro
@Enrique - please accept the answer
Andrew Cooper
+1  A: 

Before the 2nd loop you want to set j=0. It should work after that.

PS: If you debugged by printing out your three strings, you would've figured it out in a matter of minutes. When you don't know what goes wrong, print out the values of variables at intermediate steps, so you know where your problem occurs and what it is.

+1  A: 

Your question has already been answered by others but I'm posting this code to show that it is not necessary to make the phrase3 copy to hold the reversed string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()

  int i, j, length, halfLength;
  char space = ' ';
  char phrase1[80], phrase2[80];

  printf("Give me the phrase: ");
  length      = strlen(phrase1);

  for( i = 0, j = 0; i <= length; ++i ) {
    if( phrase1[i] != space ) {    //Makes the phrase1 without spaces
      phrase2[j++] = phrase1[i];

  length      = strlen(phrase2);
  halfLength  = length / 2;

  for( i = 0, j = length - 1; i < halfLength; ++i, --j ) {
    if( phrase2[i] != phrase2[j] ) {
      printf("It's not a palindrome\n");
      return 0;

  printf("It's a palindrome\n");
  return 0; 
It's also possible to do it in a single loop without copying the string at all. You just have to check for spaces and adjust the indexes appropriately as you parse the string from each end.
Andrew Cooper