



Hi, I am trying to build a dynamic predicate with Entity Framework by mapping an enum to the column field:

In the where clause i have entered ?? as i am not sure what to put there, i want this be dynamic like in this article, although that doesn't work me in EF on;y linq to sql:

For example:

I have an enum:

public enum SearchTypes {

  FirstName = CustFName,
  LastName = CustLName


My method is as such:

private static IEnumerable<CustomerSearchInfo> GetCustomers(String customerName, SearchType searchType)
        using (var context = new NewgenEntities())
            return context.tblCustomers.Where(??).
            Select(p => new CustomerSearchInfo
                                FirstName = p.CustFName,
                                LastName = p.CustLName,
                                Id = p.CustID,
                                EmailAddress = p.CustEmail,
                                Mobile = p.CustMNumber,
                                Phone = p.CustPNumber

Has anyone got a way of building an expression based on a enum?

+1  A: 

Check out this post for using enums with EF. It's a lot to go through but it works.

Another approach is to create 1 property that is an enum (let's call it SearchType) and then another integer property called SearchTypeId. The enum property encapsulates the Id property like this:

public SearchType SearchType
        return (SearchType)this.SearchTypeId;

        this.SearchTypeId = (int)value;

Yes, this is also ugly - but it works.

In the next version of EF, it will support enums but this obviously doesn't do you too much code right now.

Steve Michelotti

Check my answer to this question to see how to build a dynamic linq query with Expression.

Danny Chen