Hello, I am trying to use HTTPS connection for certificate validation,using PEM certificate. I am sure the certificate is good. I have used the same certificate with "wget" in linux.
Here is the part of code i am using for accessing server,
def ConnectServer() host = "*.com" c_file = cert_file
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host=host,443,key_file=cert_file, cert_file=cert_file)
print conn
r1 = conn.response()
print r1.status
Above certificate and host informations has be changed.
when i try to access the server to download a file. It throws me "segmentation Fault". I am using Python-2.5.4 version and it is compiled with SSL support.
As mentioned above,i was successful in downloading the file using "WGET"
Do i need to upgrade the python version ??
Will be grateful for any advice and suggestions.