



I see lot of example opening popup with jquery but don't see anything that will let me open new page in popup(modal dialog box). Any help is appreciated.

What i am trying to do is when click on item it will open item description page in model dialog box calling an url for detail page. I am using, would like to use jquery if has nice way to work with popup.

See also: PopupWindow in JQuery

+2  A: 

Sure; there are actually many of them. For example: jqModal. For a demonstration of how to load a separate page into an <iframe>, check out Alexandre Plennevaux's site.

It's worth noting that <iframe> has been deprecated in XHTML 1.0 Strict. Instead, use <object>.
It would be helpful if you posted HOW one would convert from an iframe to an object tag...
Robert C. Barth
Fine, just use the "data" attribute instead of iframe's "src". You might also consider specifying the mime type through the "type" attribute.