<xsl:comment><xsl:apply-templates select="image" /></xsl:comment>
As a result:
that is the code in the element
xsl:comment ignored
The XSLT 1.0 Spec says:
It is an error if instantiating the
content of xsl:comment creates nodes
other than text nodes. An XSLT
processor may signal the error; if it
does not signal the error, it must
recover by ignoring the offending
nodes together with their content.
How do I display an item in the
It depends what is meant for "display": in a browser:
<-- <xsl:apply-templates select="image" /> -->
may be useful, provided the result of <xsl:apply-templates/>
aboveis just simple text (not markup).
If to "display" means to provide the result as text, then DOE, if allowed by the XSLT processor, may give us the wanted result:
Some text -->
Finally, if it is required that what should be inside the "comment" should be markup and it should be displayed as markup, then this is rather challenging. In this case one has to use:
<xsl:output method="text"/>
and should present every XML lexical item with its desired serialization (i.e. escaped).
This is how the XPath Visualizer constructs its output.
Here is a small transformation that demonstrates the first two approaches:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<-- Hello, World -->
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><--</xsl:text>
Hello,world! --<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">></xsl:text>
this transformation, when applied on any XML document (not used), produces:
<-- Hello, World -->
Hello,world! -->
Both "comments" may be viewed as comments in a browser, while only the second is presented as comment in free text.
The third approach (most probably what you want) is illustrated below:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<-- <xsl:apply-templates select="image"/> -->
<xsl:template match="image">
<img src="<xsl:value-of select="@src"/>"
width="<xsl:value-of select="@width"/>px"
height="<xsl:value-of select="@height"/>px"/>
when this transformation is applied on the following XML document:
<image src="http://xxx.com/yyy.jpg" width="200" height="300"/>
the wanted result is produced:
<img src="http://xxx.com/yyy.jpg"
viewed in a browser as:
<img src="http://xxx.com/yyy.jpg"