Here, I am unable to convert boolean value into character in postgre sql query.
SELECT *FROM ltl_class_nmfc_aliases
NOT IN(SELECT ltl_class_nmfc_aliases_id FROM commodities_shippeds
WHERE commodities_shipped_obj_type LIKE 'ClientOffice')
OR ltl_class_id IS NULL
AND lower(commodity_description_alias) LIKE E'%%'
AND lower(ltl_value) LIKE E'%92.5%'
AND hazardous :: integer LIKE E '%%'
AND cast(schedule_b as character varying(255)) LIKE E'%%'
AND cast(harmonized_tariff as character varying(255)) LIKE E'%%'
ORDER BY commodity_description_alias,ltl_value LIMIT 25;
Here I am unable to typecast at AND hazardous :: integer LIKE E '%%'
Suggest me how to make typecast ?