




I have a page that uses JQuery. This page also has hidden fields whose value is populated dynamically by JQuery (upon dropdown selection).

Now I have an javascript/jquery expression similar to this $('*[name=staffid]').val() - this expression provides me the selected value. I would like to store this value in a variable within JMeter so that I can pass it to subsequent calls or during submit.

How do I evaluate/execute this expression within JMeter so that I can pass these values to subsequent request(s) or store it in a variable for further use.


You can try the javascript function, ${__javaScript()}


or a beanshell processor, which can execute javascript


I tried this but JMeter complains that $ reference to jquery is not recognizable jmeter.extractor.BSFPostProcessor: Problem in BSF script org.apache.bsf.BSFException: JavaScript Error: Internal Error: org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: ReferenceError: "$" is not defined
Yes, the JavaScript won't work because JMeter is just running a JavaScript expression without any context of the actual page. That's just how JMeter works: like almost every load testing tool it doesn't really process the page, set up the DOM, evaluate JavaScript, etc.
Patrick Lightbody

You won't be able to evaluate jQuery expressions against pages using JMeter. I wish it were that easy, but that jQuery needs a fully running DOM + JavaScript engine and that's just not provided by JMeter.

Shameless plug: the company I started, BrowserMob, does load testing by running actual browsers driven by Selenium. When using a real browser, you don't have to do this kind of stuff. Check it out at http://browsermob.com.

Patrick Lightbody