



In one side I have a Java client writing ints into its outputstream: int a = 20; dataout.writeInt(a); dataout.flush();

From the other side I have a C server listening the connection:

int client = accept(...);

How to read the int sent by Java?

If I had a Java server, i could easily write: int a = dataIn.readInt();

How to do this in C?


+1  A: 

Read it into a char buffer and use atoi() to convert the string into a int.

Timo Geusch
assuming an integer as 4 bytes, is this what you mean?char buf[4];read(client, buf, 4);int integer = atoi(buf);
Eduardo Abreu
Not quite - if the Java server is sending the Int as four bytes, the whole thing is going to get a lot more complicated as you basically need to know exactly in what byte order the Int is sent. I would try to send Int as a string, use a somewhat bigger buffer (16 bytes up) to store the string in and then use atoi as you suggested. If you're sending the Int as a byte representation, I would convert it to network byte order before sending and convert it back to host order once you received it, otherwise you're in a world of really odd bugs.
Timo Geusch
atoi has no error-handling, atoi("0") == atoi("blah"); better you use strtol

You can use the read function, but you have to be careful to consume sizeof(int) chars from the socket and then you have to worry about endianess.

Michael Goldshteyn

fscanf should work if you don't mind sending in plain text:

fscanf(dataIn, "%d", &a);

Plain text rules :-) Just be sure to send a '\n' (or something not a digit) from the source before the flush.
