




If there was no data returned from our search currently we use the loadComplete callback to print out a message to the user to indicate that there is no data. Is there a way to configure jqGrid to print out a "no data" message within the grid? Currently we print it out in a div above the grid but would like it to be within the actual grid.

+1  A: 

jqGrid displays "No records to view" message ($.jgrid.defaults.emptyrecords) only at the end of the pager area and only in the case if all following take place

  • you define a pager
  • viewrecords: true
  • the current number of record counts (reccount parameter) is 0.

It is unknown to me any "standard" way to display a message inside of grid data area (on top of the body of grid). It seems to me if you need such message you have to continue to use div placed over the grid body and hide/show it inside of loadComplete event handle.
