I have a div which in jquery's document ready I append - using $("#div id").append('html text')
syntax - with 10 or so more div child elements.
once this is done I try to check the content of the child divs via alert($(".classname"));
and it comes back with:
function(a){if(c.isFunction(a))return this.each(function(b){var d=c(this);d.text(a.call(this,b,d.text()))});if(typeof a!=="object"&&a!==w)return this.empty().append((this[0]&&this[0].ownerDocument||s).createTextNode(a));return c.text(this)}
I would have expected it to alert with the html contents of the child divs and not javascript?
full script:
<script type="text/javascript">
// twitter api's base url
var url="http://search.twitter.com/search.json?callback=?&result_type=recent&q=";
// we'll store the search term here
var query = "blah";
// get the json file
// this is where we can loop through the results in the json object
// this is where we do what we want with each tweet
$("#results").append('<div class="tweetBox"><span class="unseen">'+tweet.created_at+'</span><div class="tweetImg"><img src="'+tweet.profile_image_url+'" width="48" height="48" /><a class="overbox" href="http://twitter.com/'+tweet.from_user+'/status/'+tweet.id+'"></a></div>'+tweet.text+' ...said '+((new Date().getTime()/1000/60)-(new Date(tweet.created_at))/1000/60).toFixed(0)+' minutes ago</div>');
$("#results").height(function(){return $(window).height()-204;});
<div id="results"></div>
definitely some kind of jquery/javascript race condition going on here, if I replace the alert with setTimeout(function(){alert($(".unseen").html());},1000);
it returns the text expected. If I change the timeout pause to 1 millisecond it returns null
once again.
Not sure of a 'real' workaround for this other than sticking in the delay?