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jQuery, jQuery UI, and Dual Licensed Plugins (Dual Licensing)

I'm interested in using the fullcalendar jQuery project in a commercial project I am working on but I don't understand what it means that it is dual licensed as GPL and MIT.


Dual licensing means that the software is available under more than one license, you can choose the license that better fits your needs. For a commercial project, the MIT license might be what you need, but IANAL.

+1  A: 

You do not have permission to use someone else's code except insofar as they give you that permission. They have given you that permission under the terms of these licences. A licence allows you to do something you wouldn't be allowed to do without it.

If you comply with the terms of either of the two licences, you're allowed to use the code. (Firefox, incidentally, is tri-licensed. Multiple licenses are not uncommon.)

And yet another non-answer in the morass of open source licensing
If there's something inaccurate in what I said, tell me what it is. If there's nothing inaccurate in what I said, please remove the downvote.
It's not that it's inaccurate, it's that it's fluff. You didn't answer a single bit of the question - you only repeated a bunch of mumbo-jumbo having to do with licenses. These postings annoy the bejeebers out of me because they never answer the question - they just go round and round and round about permissions and usages and terms (ad nauseum) but they never actually tell me anything. When your answer includes what is meant by GPL or MIT, how they are related, the reasons why one could be better than the other, typical usages of either (or both licenses) then my annoy factor will go down.
(and, since I ran out of characters) my downvote will go away too.
The question isn't about the GPL and the MIT licence; it's about the mechanics of dual licensing for any two licences, which just happen, in this case, to be the GPL and the MIT licence. This question is simply and accurately answered in the bolded portion of my post.

A good reference in Multi licensing:

Good luck!
