




I am using "United States-International" on Windows 7, which courses problems in combination with gVim 7.3.

In the US-International keyboard layout the keys " and ' are dead keys, that means, you can combine them with another key. For example pressing "+a results in ä and the keys '+a in á. In order to insert one double quote you simply have to hit "+space.

But when I enter "+space in gVim nothing happens, no character is inserted. When I further hit space, only spaces are inserted. It seems that the keys "+space are not combined to one " character. However combining " with a to ä works as expected.

When I press the " key followed by spaces, the " is buffered until I enter another char and is then combined with that (if possible). Examples:

"+space+space+a => » ä«  
"+space+space+b => » "b«
"+space+space+" => » ""«

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

BTW, the behaviour isn't affected in vim (through cmd.exe)


Are you in edit mode or command mode when you do this? It sounds to me like you are expecting command mode to work like edit mode. The quote character in command mode affects registers and the clipboard (e.g., for copy/paste).

Michael Goldshteyn
No, the behaviour is broken in edit mode. And it is not a question of weather I have just entered the edit mode or typed a few characters before. "+space don't combine to the character " in edit mode.
OK, it wasn't clear from your original problem statement that you were in fact in edit mode...
Michael Goldshteyn

I noticed that you can press " and then a to produce ä. On my machine (Windows XP) if I press and hold " and <Space> at the same time, it seems to work. If I try to press " and then <Space>, I get unexpected behavior.

Just tried it. At first it seems to work, but unfortunately pressing Strg+' and space at the same time also results in unexpected behaviour. (albeit much less)
You can check this out explaining the default support for these special characters (under Section 2 of Typing special characters).
Thanks for investigating my problem, but I don't see how your link is related to my problem as the mentioned section describes a method to generate digraphs with the build in method of vim. I currently use a keyboard layout with dead keys to generate digraphs. But dead keys don't seem to be fully supported by gVim by default.
Yeah. Sorry, I guess I figured that as a last resort you could switch your keyboard to the standard US while using gvim and use the default method for digraphs. I hope you find your answer.
I know, but using more than one keyboard layout is not an option for me => maintenance hell