



I have the following markup:

<nav id='tab_links'>
  <a href='#view1'>One</a>
  <a href='#view2'>Two</a>
<div id='container'>
  <div id='view1'>Short Content</div>
  <div id='view2'>Much longer content</div>
 <input type='submit' />

and the following styles:

#view2 { display: none; }
#footer { display: block; clear: both; text-align: right; }
#footer * { display: inline-block; text-align: center; }

I use the following jQuery to swap out the views:

$('#tab_links a').click(function() {
  var tabToShow = $($(this).attr('href'));
  var otherTabs = tabToShow.siblings();;

When I swap out the view1 content for the view2 content, the footer stays where it was, hovering above the middle of the new content. If I hover the mouse over the footer content, it jumps down into place. If I then revert the content back to view1, the footer again stays where it was for view2, which is far below the end of the container.

What styles can I apply to make IE reposition the footer appropriately? I've tried all of the following, in various combinations:

  • apply clearfix to #container
  • apply clearfix to #footer
  • apply height: auto to #container
  • apply height: 30px to #footer input
  • apply widgth: 100px to #footer input

Sometimes a simple "overflow: auto; width: auto;" applied on the #container will solve the problem.

See this:

Or this:

Was that the solution to your problem?

Sadly, this does not seem to be the problem I'm having. The views themselves aren't floated (although they do have some content that is floated).
James A. Rosen
hmmmm... You said there are some floated content inside the #views... Perhaps apply the suggested fix to the #view1 and #view2 divs (and to any other content that has floating elements inside of it)?
trusktr make all of them expand.
Editing and posting your whole code might help us figure out what' wrong!

A solution is to treat it as a jQuery problem instead of a CSS problem.

First, define a forceRedraw function on jQuery elements that simply sets the element's class to its existing class:

  forceRedraw: function() {
    jQuery(this).each(function() {
      this.className = this.className;

Then, when swapping the views:


(This solution was suggested on the jQuery forums)

James A. Rosen