I have a web page that uses Google's Visualization API to generate a timeline but now that I'm trying to add some jQuery stuff to it, things are falling over. So, I'm trying to do it with Closure. However I can't seem to find any examples of how to use the Visualization API under Closure. Does anyone know where I can find any examples?
What I've got now is based on (read copied wholesale) the Google Annotated Timeline Example with a little modification to load the data via AJAX as JSON. Right now the AJAX quiery is to a hard coded URL and I'm trying to make it construct the URL from a form.
I've found how to do time lines:
var dataTable = new gviz.DataTable(json_string, 0.6);
var ChartDiv = document.getElementById(chart_id);
chart = new gviz.AnnotatedTimeLine(ChartDiv);
chart.draw(dataTable, {'displayAnnotations': true});
Unfortunately, I have yet to find how to make a Bar/Column Chart (asking for 'gviz.BarChart' results in compile time errors).
What ended up working:
In the HTML:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="My.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["columnchart"]})
var ChartGen = function(x) {
return new google.visualization.ColumnChart(x);
In the JS:
function drawBar(Lambda) {
dataTable = new gviz.DataTable(json_string, 0.6);
var ChartDiv = document.getElementById('chart');
chart = Lambda(ChartDiv);
chart.draw(dataTable, {});