



i used this Code, works fine in Firefox, but in IE unvisited links are default blue and visited links are purple? please help,not whats the deal

a:link {

text-decoration:none; color:transparent; }

a:visited {

text-decoration: none; color:transparent; }


Some googling on this issue shows that IE doesn't support color:transparent.

Try doing this for IE

a:link{color: transparent; width: 100%; filter: alpha(opacity=0)}
a:visited{color: transparent;  width: 100%; filter:alpha(opacity=0)}

Please do note that providing width seems to be necessary for opacity to take effect

Gaurav Saxena
i tried it but it caused all of my links to disappear. the thing is when i place the color as black it changes in firefox but theres no effect in IE
Olin Stephens
yes that is true. Changing only the color when opaity is set would not matter. In that case, the way you change color to black (using javascript, I suppose) you must make opacity 100 too.
Gaurav Saxena
Filters have a significant performance penalty. You'll want to use native opacity instead of a Filter when running on IE9 and above.
EricLaw -MSFT-