i have given a chance to my software user to select dll from openfile dialog.(so my user can download dlls form my website and use it with the main project ). everything is working fine and it can even find that dlls is provided by me or selected an invalid dll.but the problem raises if the user selects a renamed file(eg : apple.txt file renamed to apple.dll ). i typed the code like this
try dllHandle := LoadLibrary( pwidechar(openfiledialog1.filename)) ;
catch { showmessage if it is not a dll (but it can be any dll, it checks this is my dll or 3rd party later )}
error message shown by delphi is 'bad library image selected'
but try catch is not working if the user selects invalid dll it is showing its own error message and struck up.
can anyone help me,i am using delphi 2009