



I'm creating an application that has both an version, and a WPF version. I'm sharing the business logic and entities between them so the only thing I should have to maintain 2 of will be the UI. For the most part this is pretty straight forward. there are some instances where the methodology has to change, just based on the nature of web applications. I really believe that you can't just take a thick client and put it on the web, and vice versa, but I'm working through those issues.

What's come to my attention is the globalization/localization differences between asp and wpf. To be honest I hadn't explored WPF's localization that far until now. It appears as though the general trend is to use this locbaml application, that creates satellite assemblies.
My question is. Has anyone done an application where they had to share translations between and wpf? if so what was your approach?

One more thing to add to this is that I have several enums that will appear in the GUI. I've created an extension method for the Enum class so I can call MyEnum.Name(), and MyEnum.Description. I need both of these values because the enums are going into comboboxes, the names are for the combobox values, and the descriptions are for tooltips. Anyway, on the WPF side I've created a custom IValueConverter to convert an "MyEnum" into a string at binding time. Do you all have any ideas on how to do something similar on the side?

