As the title says, i need a way to programmatically edit an existing view of a list in sharepoint 2010. I have found a lot of examples about creating a new view:
SPList documents = web.Lists["Documents"];
StringCollection fields = new StringCollection();
fields.Add("File Size");
fields.Add("Modified By");
var query = new XElement("Where",
new XElement("Eq",
new XElement("FieldRef", new XAttribute("Name", "Project")),
new XElement("Value", new XAttribute("Type", "Lookup"), "alpha")
SPView view = documents.Views.Add("ProjectFilter", fields, query, 100, false, false, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPViewCollection.SPViewType.Html, false);
I also have found some examples about editing an existing list in terms of displayed fields:
SPList documents = web.Lists["Documents"];
SPview view = documents.Views["All Documents"]
The only thing i haven't found is a way to modify an existing view filtering it with a CAML query, in the same way as the example above when i have created it
Is there a way to do this?