I'm struggling a bit with keyboard navigation in the Telerik WPF RadCarousel. If i click outside an item, but within the carousel-control, keyboard naviation works as expected (I can switch between items using the left and right keyboard arrows), but if I click an item within the RadCarousel, keyboard navigation is gone. How can I get the RadCarousel to handle keyboard navigation when an item in the carousel has focus?
Additional things I want to accomplish:
- Automatically show the SelectedItem as the "front-item" in the carousel.
- Automatically select the "front-item" when navigating through the carousel.
My RadCarousel binding is set up as follows:
<ScrollViewer CanContentScroll="true">
<telerik:RadCarousel Name="carousel" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Templates}"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource template}"
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedTemplateAndFolder}" />
By using Snoop, I can see that the "CarouselScrollViewer" has focus when the scrolling is working. Selecting an item causes the RadCarousel to get focus (and the navigation to stop working).