If you don't want to use ActiveRecord an ORM may be a bit complicated for your usage right now), you can still use the ruby-mysql library or even better IMHO is to use the Ruby DBI/DBD library (here) which has DBD drivers for mysql & postgresql out-of-the-box.
That way, you can issue straight SQL statements like this
require "dbi"
require "dbi/dbrc"
# == Configuration
DB = "sympa"
HOST = "saphir"
cnt = 0
dup = 0
# == Crude option processing
list_name = ARGV.shift.to_s
file = ARGV.shift.to_s
db = DBI::DBRC.new(DB)
DBI.connect(db.dsn + ":#{HOST}", db.user, db.password) do |dbh|
date = Time.now.asctime
if not list_name or list_name == "" then
puts "List name is mandatory"
exit 1
req1 = <<-"EOR"
insert into user_table (email_user,lang_user)
values (?, ?)
req2 = <<-"EOR"
insert into subscriber_table
(user_subscriber, list_subscriber, visibility_subscriber,
date_subscriber, reception_subscriber) values (?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?)
sth1 = dbh.prepare(req1)
sth2 = dbh.prepare(req2)
# Insertion in user_table
sth1.execute(line, "en")
cnt += 1
rescue DBI::DatabaseError => err
$stderr.puts("DBI: #{err}")
dbi/dbrc is a useful module that enables you to avoid putting login&password directly in the script. See there.