I'm trying to change the alt of the image i'm clicking by selecting the image's class 'add_answer'
Note: .add_answer shows up multiple times inside different containing div's
jQuery(function(){ // Add Answer
var count = $(this).attr("alt");
$(this).parents("div:first").$('.add_answer').attr("alt", count);
This line doesn't seem to be working, how do i select this add_answer class by way of it's parent div
$(this).parents("div:first").$('.add_answer').attr("alt", count);
Anyone else have an idea?
I'm trying having trouble decreasing the alt value on the .add_answer image when .destroy_answer is clicked
jQuery(function(){ // Hide Answer jQuery(".destroy_answer").click(function(){ $(this).parents("div:first").hide(); var count = $('.add_answer').attr("alt"); count--; $('.add_answer',$(this).parent('div:first')).attr('alt',count); }); });
Problem line: