I buy lots of programming-related books. I usually go for used copies on Amazon, but I sometimes buy a book at B&N, because its convenient. I'd like everyone to share their secrets to getting good deals on books.
I imagine at some point someone will point out this thing called a library.
- The libraries in my city aren't great, unless you want to learn about VB6 or Excel '97
- I like to own my books, even if I get them used. Something about having them on the shelf ready for me to read again.
Also, free eBooks are great, but there are some great books that you can't get for free. Two books I'm getting soon are The Seasoned Schemer and The Ruby Way. I know their are free alternatives, but since these books are so highly regarded, I feel like I'm missing out on something if I don't get them.
So what websites, book-clubs, etc. do you take part in to save money on programming-related books?
Update: Excellent tips everyone! Thanks for all your answers.