



Hi. I develop next application parameters storing paradigm:

There is enum for each parameter roles

enum ParameterRole

Parameters are contained in special container as object

class ParamContainer : Dictionary(ParameterRole, object) {
public new object this[ParameterRole role]
  if (base.ContainsKey(role))
   return base[role];
   return null;
  if (base.ContainsKey(role))
   base[role] = value;
   base.Add(role, value);

It's private member of AppSettings class

class AppSettings {    
ParamContainer  container = new ParamContainer();

public string FileName
        return container[ParemeterRole.FileName] as string;
        container[ParemeterRole.FileName] = value;

and for each settings there is a corresponding property, but it works not with a local variable, but adds/gets a value from the container.

What benefits? You can work with parameters separately as named property, so as list (container.Keys, container.Values) - it's useful for SQL queries and XML based business logic. What deficiencies? Parameter values are stored as object and it uses more memory as it could, I guess, if was stored as it's corresponding types.

What do you think about it? It's very interesting and important for me. Is it rubbish or could be useful?

+1  A: 

Well, the use of an enum (ParameterRole) doesn't make it particularly re-usable in different scenarios; you could express the key simply via generics (<T>). Other than that, it is a fairly standard lookup / property-bag. So a fairly common and established pattern. The get/set logic is over-complicated, too:

        object value;
        TryGetValue(role, out value);
        return value;
        base[role] = value;

Finally, I'm a little dubious about inheriting from Dictionary<,> here - I'd probably just encapsulate it instead (i.e. contain a private Dictionary<,> field, but not derive from it).

Marc Gravell
Do you think making an inheritance to simplify access to dictionary's value is bad idea? My idea was that you can just use an operator [] without checking presence of given key. A lot of code once, a few code every time you set/get a value
Well, just using the basic indexer risks it blowing up (key-not-found). Your bespoke indexer avoids this, but that works equally well for encapsulation or inheritance. Really, though, the question might as well be "is there a reason to expose this as inheritance" - I can't think of any off-hand.
Marc Gravell

If using of an enum is bad practice, what is the way to hold all keys in one container and how to access them directly without linear search, etc ?

I didn't say an enum was bad - simply that it doesn't lend to re-use. If you had `ParamContainer<T>`, with `Dictionary<T,object>`, then you could use `ParamContainer<ParameterRole>`,etc. Of course, this has to be weighed against providing named properties, which are clearly very bespoke per scenario
Marc Gravell