



Hey, I've an obvious question.

For code like:

     <p>We want to format this text :)</p>

Some people use selector like:

div > p {

And others:

div p {

What's the difference in this case? In my opinion - none?

And by the way, isn't the descendant item always a child?! What's the difference between te two? I'm reading but can't get it :)

Thank you!

+7  A: 


 div > p

affects only direct children.

 div p

affects grandchildren, grandgrandchildren etc. as well. (Won't make a difference in your example)

The child selector isn't supported by IE6.

... and we can't wait for IE6 to die, so that we can finally use those damn child selectors :)
Šime Vidas
It doesn't make a sense to me. If that's true, then "div > p" equals "div + p" O.o
@fomicz no. The `+` selector selects the *next sibling*
a + b is a direct sibling relationship. a > b is a parent-child relationship.
Šime Vidas
O.o is not a valid selector.
@BalusC you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. CSS4 will support Manga selectors: e.g. `<3` for HTML elements that are *cute*, and `^_^` for *funny* content.
@Pekka: So what would `i <3 #stackoverflow` mean?
@BoltClock It will match an image of a unicorn with the ID `stackoverflow` in an italic paragraph.
@Pekka: Awesome. Sadly the unicornification has worn off me :(
+3  A: 

Pekka has explained it in theory in his answer. Based on his answer, and my answer to another question about the > combinator, I'll provide an illustration, modified to address this question.

Consider the following block of HTML, and your example CSS selectors. I use a more elaborate example so I can show you the difference between both of your selectors:

    <p>The first paragraph.</p>                 <!-- [1] -->
        <p>A quotation.</p>                     <!-- [2] -->
        <p>A paragraph after the quotation.</p> <!-- [3] -->

Which <p>s are selected by which selectors?

First off, all of them match div p because they are <p> elements situated anywhere within a <div> element.

That makes div > p more specific, which begs the next question:

Which <p>s are selected by div > p?

  1. Selected

    This paragraph <p> is a child, or a direct descendant, of the outermost <div>. That means it's not immediately contained by any other element than a <div>. The hierarchy is as simple as the selector describes, and as such it's selected by div > p.

  2. Not selected

    This <p> is found in a <blockquote> element, and the <blockquote> element is found in the outermost <div>. The hierarchy would thus look like this:

    div > blockquote > p

    As the paragraph is directly contained by a blockquote, it's not selected by div > p. However, it can match blockquote > p (in other words, it's a child of the <blockquote>).

  3. Selected

    This paragraph lives in the inner <div>, which is contained by the outer <div>. The hierarchy would look like this:

    div > div > p

    It doesn't matter if there are more <div>s nested within each other, or even if the <div>s are contained by other elements. As long as this paragraph is directly contained by its own <div>, it will be selected by div > p.

+1 for explanation overkill
Šime Vidas
@Šime Vidas: Well, OP did ask for the difference :P
+1 this answer qualifies for the `:o` selector (astonishingly detailed explanation)
@Pekka: Haha! [This isn't my only one]( :)