Two questions.
1) I understand this must be an expected outcome but maybe someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong; I'm trying to subclass all window classes in a global hook and it works except that I'm not able to close shop as I should and when the program initially registering the hook unregisters the hook and exits, subclassed applications start crashing.
Here's how I'm trying to do it..
// stores original wndprocs. In the hook dll, outside the shared memory.
map<HWND, WNDPROC> origWndProcs;
// in an EnumWindows callback, executed for all HWND's, also in the hook dll (UWM_REMOVE_HOOK is a registered unique message)
SendMessageTimeout(hWnd, UWM_REMOVE_HOOK, 0, 0, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG | SMTO_NORMAL, 15000, res);
// Still in the same hook, in the subclassing wndproc..
if (msg == UWM_REMOVE_HOOK) {
if (origWndProcs.find(hwnd) != origWndProcs.end()) {
SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)origWndProcs[hwnd]);
// clears the hook..
__declspec(dllexport) BOOL ClearHooks(HWND hWnd) {
BOOL unhooked = UnhookWindowsHookEx(hook) &&
UnhookWindowsHookEx(kb_hook) &&
UnhookWindowsHookEx(mouse_hook) &&
hWndServer = NULL;
return unhooked;
In DllMain I don't do anything on DLL_PROCESS_DETACH. Instead, ClearHooks() is called from the program originally registering the hooks and there only after the hook has sent a message signalling that it has executed the EnumWindows operation (restores original wndprocs, see above).
I subclass windows in a WndProc hook; all visible windows that receive a message and whose current wndproc is not the one in the dll, are subclassed.
Basically all (as far as I can tell) applications crash on exit despite the fact that windows do seem to get the wndproc set back to what it was when it was replaced. Anyone have a clue what I might be doing wrong?
2) I need this to intercept WM_MINMAXINFO and modify window maxsize whenever a window is maximized. Unfortunately I can't do this in the dll but I have to talk with a program to get the size info. So, what's the best way to talk to that window; I need it to pass back some info so I can modify the structure that came with the original WM_MINMAXINFO message. Will a structure in WM_COPYDATA preserve it's data until the call to SendMessageTimeout returns?