



We are going to implement a Surgery Simulator which simulate some behaviour in ortopedy surgury room.

I didn't have an experience in simulation. I'm using dot net and want to use Microsoft Simulation API which used in Flight Simulator and Microsoft Flight.

I have complete information about surgery room documentation and about the reactions.

So that Usecases are implemented but class diagrams is on progress and now we are looking for consideration for implementing a simulator.

Any advice are appriciated

Update :

We just had some researches on some simulators and find out that Microsoft Flight are closest one to ours. I'm agree that it's totaly different butin case of using tools and reactions, also customizations its really same.

For instance We need to use some Add-Ins to make a surgury and the doctor has todetermine ( or hasto choose) these add-ins just like flight simulator that you can add some (Wind) to your flight or etc

By now I know that we have to Implement Everything in Add-in type so that it could be customizable.

We also need an area which tools displayed on. ( in fligh simulator you are sitting in the cabin and everything are around you) but in our case you have to show patient in the main area and use tools to sorrund the patient or use another display which is now out choise but 2-monitor dosenot a wide variety of users and one of our considerations is that*How to put all thing together*

I can add some other things if you prefer, but I want to know al considerations in all parts because our companydidn't have an experience before and this is the first one. we're looking for some resonable feedback from experts