Hi there,
I was wondering if there is any feature in Visual Studio 2008 that would show me data stored at address XY? Specifically I need to check data the pointer points to. Something like this:
BYTE *pMem = (BYTE*)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT, FileSize);
<do some magic at pMem+offset1>
//bug occurs, need to check data at pMem+offset2>
Basicly the "Locals" window shows me only first few bytes of the *pMem while I need to see 100th byte for example.
Of course I can store it in some another variable and check it when the execution hits the breakpoint but thats not as much handy/quick as looking at some window or writing some command somewhere in special console while the app is paused.
Thanks for any info.
P.S. its C++, not managed code