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Software bugs examples

I am looking for examples of bugs one must check in his code...

But I do not mean logical bugs (such as Adding instead of Subtracting), I am talking about bugs that can be discovered (may be guessed) just by looking into code without knowing its purpose....


  • infinite loops
  • opening connections without closing it (files, database)
  • write to shared variable in multi threaded code without locking..

Please help me in finding more bugs like these...


+7  A: 

This one is quite famous, the ol' assignment instead of the intended conditional:

if(a = b) {
Jacob Relkin
Luckily, many compilers warn about this.
+4  A: 
if ( obj == null && ! obj.IsValid() ) // bad short circuit behaviour
why this is a bug?
@Betamoo, sorry there was a bug in my original code, now if obj is `null` the second branch will still be used thus dereferencing a `null` reference. The correct code was what I wrote before (using `||`) so that if obj is `null` the second branch isn't taken.
@Motti, congratulations, you have achieved buggy bug example code!
@iconiK It's like I always say: _you have to strive to have an even number of bugs!_
+2  A: 

A classic c and c++ one: Dereferencing NULL pointers.

Similarly: Trying to access variables that have gone out of scope.

+10  A: 

Improper loops:

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++);
   //some code
It still takes me a minute of staring to see the bug. I need to do this stuff less ;-)
Graham Lee
@Graham Lee: Yeah, very easy to miss. And it still runs the `some code` once, so you may imagine it's working... very deceptive.
Does this ever crop up in real code? I’ve never seen that outside toy examples.
Konrad Rudolph
What bug...? ;)
I have to admit I almost didn't see that one... but again I've never seen that "bug" anywhere yet, thankfully!
Yanick Rochon
+4  A: 

Look at the laundry list for any static analysis tool. That's all they do; look for known bugs in code they don't understand. In non-GC environments, memory management problems (double free, no free, use uninitialized memory, don't check for NULL from malloc() etc.) are common.

Graham Lee
Actually I intend to develop a similar 'blind' bug detector..
@Betamoo, I'm guessing that if you have to post to stackoverflow for examples of bugs you shouldn't be writing a static code analyzer...
+4  A: 

A most egregious issue in c++:

if (1 < x < 10)

This was peppered throughout some code I just inherited.

To clarify why this is an issue, first 1 < x is evaluated giving true for x is 2. Then true < 10 will be evaluated, becoming 1 < 10, which isn't comparing x to 10.

Suppose x were 0. The first comparison is false. So it becomes 0 < 10. True. So no matter what the value of x, it is always true.

In Python, this is perfectly valid.
Tim Pietzcker
Thanks for clarifying that this is a problem in C++ - could you also explain why this is so? Is it that `1 < x` evaluates to `1` which is then compared to `10` so a case where `x==10` will "unexpectedly" return `True`?
Tim Pietzcker
@Tim Pietzcker: yup. In fact it's true always.
Ah...clever :-)
Tim Pietzcker
+8  A: 

In Java :

if (someString == otherString) { /*...*/ }
Yanick Rochon
I'm not so well versed in Java. Could you explain how this is a problem?
to make it short: strings in Java are not primitives, but objects. Their `equals` method may return the same value, but they occupy two different places in memory. Sometimes, the JVM may detect that they both contain the same suite of characters, but for efficiency, this check is not enforced on all strings. So, this is why using `equals` will always return true on same strings, but not using `==`
Yanick Rochon
+3  A: 
if ( 1 )
   if ( 0 )

Programmer expected no output, but got "bar".

+5  A: 

Switch statement without breaks.


switch (/*condition*/)
case 1: retCode = SUCCESS;
default: retCode = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
return retCode; // Always UNKNOWN_ERROR
These can be really ugly :-)
Helper Method
+2  A: 

Well, there are many, many things you have to check. Here are a few ones, based on your examples:

  • Loops

Check that at least one of the variables used in the loop condition is modified by the loop body. If not, you're looking at an infinite loop.

Also look out for stray semicolons, as in:

for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i);
    // This code will only run once.
  • Leaked connections

Don't introduce these bugs in the first place by using RAII throughout your project. Most, if not all, languages have some kind of construct that guarantees resources are freed when leaving the scope (e.g. C++'s destructors, C#'s using, Python's with, Common Lisp's (unwind-protect), etc.).

  • Missing locks in concurrent variable access

Hopefully the shared variables are clearly visible (e.g. they share some naming convention, or there's an up-to-date list somewhere, or they're all defined in the same module). Then you can grep the source for those variables and verify locks are put in place around all stores to them.

Of course, it's always better to encapsulate write access to shared variables inside functions or methods or whole classes that perform the necessary locking themselves. See Herb Sutter's Active Objects for an very good abstraction of this concept.

Frédéric Hamidi
+2  A: 

And also some nice ones can be found here.

+4  A: 

All the answers are great, but as you intend to develop a "bug detector", I strongly recommend you to go through this FindBugs bug description list on SourceForge.

This resource and other resources in the website will be an awesome starting point for your project.

+2  A: 

improper use of properties:

class Foo
    private Int32 bar;

    public Int32 Bar
        get { return Bar; }
+2  A: 

The software bug.

alt text

+2  A: 

Not handling a divide by zero condition that may occur ..

Overflow and underflow error
