Table a (Author Table)
author_id author_name
Table b (Post Table)
post_id author_id
Table c (Earning Table)
post_id (post id is not unique) post_earning
I wanted to generate a report consist of earnings per author.
author_id author_name total_earning (sum of earnings of all the posts by author)
The SQL Query used:
sum(post_earnings) as total_earnings
FROM TableA a
Inner Join TableB b on b.author_id = a.author_id
Inner Join TableC c on c.post_id = b.post_id
Group By
The Result I got is this :
ID user_login total_earnings 2 Redstar 13.99 7 Redleaf 980.18 10 topnhotnews 80.43 11 zmmishad 39.27 13 rashel 1248.34 14 coolsaint 1.66 16 hotnazmul 9.83 17 rubel 0.14 21 mahfuz1986 1.09 48 ripon 12.96 60 KHK 27.81
the sum of the total earning is actually 2863.22. But if i add all the value of the result table I get 2415. Where is the problem? The sample tables used can be downloaded from the links in first comment.