



I don't know why, but CLR User Defined Functions are not allowed to update tables.

Is it possible to work around this restriction by calling a stored procedure from the CLR UDF that updates tables for it ?

+1  A: 

It is not CLR UDF, it is any RDBMS UDF function, by definition, cannot change the state of a database, i.e. engage:

  • DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE (i.e. DML) statements,
  • calls to stored procedure,
  • permanently change the value of server environment variable,
  • etc.
    as well as use calls to nondeterministic (with the same input returning different results) functions (like GETDATE(), NEWID(), etc.)

Oops, SQL Server 2008 relaxed the restrictions on use of non-deterministic functions. If UDF uses non-deterministic, then it is treated as non-deterministic.

One can check it by:

SELECT OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('dbo.FunctionName'),'IsDeterministic') 
You are correct: if I attempt to call a stored procedure from a UDF, I get an error message that states that only functions and "...some extended stored procedures..." can be called from within a UDF. Ugh - back to the drawing board.