



I've hosted an WCF service in SharePoint 2010 (basicHttpBinding) using this tutorial. The assembly is deployed to the GAC and contains the WCF service and a timerjob. Both call the same method. The timerjob works successful.

But when I call the method of the WCF service, I get an exception, that it can't write a property in the SPFarm PropertyBag.

System.Security.SecurityException: Access denied.
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPPersistedObject.BaseUpdate()
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm.Update()
   at MyCompany.MyProduct.Business.Config.SetPropertyValue(IPropertyBag propertyBag, String propertyName, String value)
The Zone of the assembly that failed was:

I tried to call the method using the Farm Administrator account and tried to use SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges, but to no success.

I checked WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() inside and outside the elevated privileges block, outside it's the callers user and inside it's the user of the WebApplications AppPool.

So the AppPool user is correctly impersonated, but SharePoint 2010 "disallows modification ... to all objects inheriting from SPPersistedObject in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration namespace ... from content web applications"

The article says, there is a switch SPWebService.ContentService.RemoteAdministratorAccessDenied (namespace Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration) to get rid of this behaviour, but I can't rely on administrators to use this to get my solution running.

So I'm still without a solution


The security credentials from the calling process are probably copied. You can configure WCF whether or not to do this.

See for more information.

As far as I can see, I can't change that, because I use the factory ( or maybe I misunderstood your answer ... can you explain a bit further?
Step 5 in your link talks about NTML credentials. This is probably the culprit. Couldn't you change this to not send any security credentials, just to test whether this makes a difference?
This won't work, because the service demands an NTLM authentication. If I don't send the credentials, the WCF service returns 401 Unauthorized.
I take it this specific method requires administrative privileges? Are you calling the WCF service from an account with administrative privileges?
I edited the question: I found, that SharePoint 2010 has a new feature that disallows WebApplications to access farm administration objects. So, the credentials are correct, but SharePoint blocks the access, because it comes from a WebApplication.
+1  A: 

I found a hack to work around the problem. I will not use it, because it is really dirty, but maybe somebody needs it, so:

  1. Don't call the WCF Service by a normal web application URL. Use the URL of the Central Administration (e.g. http://myserver:9999/_vti_bin/project/myservice.svc)
  2. Run the part where you change the Farm Properties with elevated privileges (SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges).
  3. Before the elevated part (now it gets really dirty) set System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items["FormDigestValidated"] = true;

As I said, not a nice one, but working ...
