



What is the good starting point for Clojure development on Google AppEngine?

Seems like there are two competing libraries appengine-magic and compojure-gae.

What is your opinion?

+5  A:

A nice lib. It takes away most of the stuff you don't want to deal with. It just as easy as a normal Clojure Webapplication.

For more information about Clojure Webapplications.

Blogs about Clojure and GAE (some stuff is outdated):

The appengine-magic lib is really what you should look at. Im working with it too.

+1 to compilation of good refs. I think compojureongae is a good choice if you want to build a example from zero and to know a little bit the magic under the hood (it's relativily recent), although appengine-magic is good too. The problem i found with hacker-with-attitude is they are on old version of compojure without ring and the deps of its datastore library are a little bit out-of-date.