



Hello All,

I am in dire need of a better way to handle sessions. We currently use default in-proc (IIS Worker Process) for our ASP.NET MVC web apps. I am now trying to implement ASP.NET State Service locally on the web server. I have installed and enabled the service (also set it up to start automatically). I believe that we're successfully using the service to create sessions since changing the connection string in our web.config to some bogus value results in the inability to load our app. With the correct connection string, IIS configured to State Server, and the service enabled locally I can't get the session to persist through an AppPool recycle. Also, if I restart the State Service session is not lost so one would think the web app isn't even using it.

<sessionState cookieless="false" mode="StateServer" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" stateNetworkTimeout="20" />

Please help!