



I have the following query:

SELECT t1.extension NULLIF(t2.msetupfee,0) AS anual, 
 NULLIF(t2.qsetupfee,0) AS bienal,
 NULLIF(t2.ssetupfee,0) AS trienal, NULLIF(t2.asetupfee,0) AS quadrienal,
 NULLIF(t2.bsetupfee,0) AS quinquenal 
FROM `tbldomainpricing` AS t1 
INNER JOIN `tblpricing` AS t2 ON = t2.relid 
WHERE t2.type = 'domainregister' 
AND t2.currency = 1 AND t1.extension = '.com'

As you can see I used some ALIAS.

This will be converted into an Object by using PDO FETCH::OBJ property.

We know that, this object will have the property names equal to our table columns, so the question is: Is there a way and, if so, how, can I get this property names in order to echo them on the page?

Thanks in advance, MEM