I have three usercontrols aligned side by side inside a DIV. It displays well in all browsers except for IE8, where the third usercontrol wraps down. This can be seen at:
Widths seem to be right everywhere and there is enough space for the usercontrol to be displayed. I am missing something here and I am not able to put my finger on it.
If you want any code, i can share!
Any help is appreciated.
<div id="tab_navi_bg_inside" style="width:740px;_height:470px;overflow-x:hidden">
<!-- Coupon Display Panel -->
<div style=" vertical-align:top">
<uc3:UCCoupon ID="UCCoupon1" runat="server"></uc3:UCCoupon></div>
<!-- End of Coupon Display Panel -->
<div class="coupone_sep">
<!-- Promotion Display Panel -->
<div style=" vertical-align:top">
<uc4:UCTownPagePromotion ID="UCTownPagePromotion1" runat="server"></uc4:UCTownPagePromotion> </div>
<!-- End Promotion Panel End -->
<div class="coupone_sep">
<!-- Weekly Promotion Display Panel -->
<div style=" vertical-align:top">
<uc5:UCTownWeeklyPromotion ID="UCTownWeeklyPromotion1" runat="server" /></div>
<!-- End Weekly Promotion Display Panel -->