




am having trouble presenting this data in triples - please help!

34 records are created with attribute "00EC" and log_id "001"
32 records are updated with attribute "00EC" and log_id "001"
31 records are deleted with attribute "00EC" and log_id "001"

12 records are created with attribute "00EA" and log_id "001"
31 records are updated with attribute "00EA" and log_id "001"
33 records are deleted with attribute "00EA" and log_id "001"

9 records are created with attribute "00EB" and log_id "001"
2 records are updated with attribute "00EB" and log_id "001"
3 records are deleted with attribute "00EB" and log_id "001"

19 records are created with attribute "00EA" and log_id "002"
22 records are updated with attribute "00EA" and log_id "002"
33 records are deleted with attribute "00EA" and log_id "002"

i want to be able to answer queries like "how many records were created and have log_id 001" or "how many records have been deleted with attribute "00EA".

sorry if this is really simple - i'm having trouble getting my head around it!

thanks :)

+2  A: 

I think the answer you got in ...


is pretty good. The only thing to add is that the data you have are statistics and therefore they can be represented as a multi-dimensional structure. A good ontology to represent this type of data is SCOVO

So the representation of this record ...

[] a :LogEvent;
    :attribute "00EC";
    :log_id "001";
    :records_created 34;
    :records_updated 32;
    :records_deleted 31;

could be improved with the following schema level representation ....

:LogEvent rdfs:subClassOf scovo:Item .
:records_created rdfs:subClassOf scovo:Dimension .

This schema would 'mark up' your data adding extra knowledge about predicates and classes. As you add are more data sources into your system you will realize that having it defined at the schema level is very useful to explore it.
