I wonder, whether it is possible to create class-methods in VBA. By class-method I mean methods that can be called without having an object of the class. The 'static'-keyword does that trick in C++ and Java.
In the example below, I try to create a static factory method.
'Classmodule Person'
Option Explicit
Private m_name As String
Public Property Let name(name As String)
m_name = name
End Property
Public Function sayHello() As String
Debug.Print "Hi, I am " & m_name & "!"
End Function
'---How to make the following method static?---'
Public Function Create(name As String) As Person
Dim p As New Person
p.m_name = name
Set Create = p
End Function
'Using Person'
Dim p As New Person
p.name = "Bob"
p.sayHello 'Works as expected'
Set p2 = Person.Create("Bob") 'Yields an error'