I have been given an old dll and the assignment of accessing it through C# .NET 3.5. I believe the dll was originally built with VB6, but am not positive. There is no documentation or source for the dll aside from an example for how to use the it in VB6. I have been able to succesfully access it through VB.NET 3.5. Example code for accessing looks like this:
myLib = CreateObject("MyLib.api")
myConnection = myLib.CreateObject("NameOfConnectionObject")
There are several different objects that are created from the library and all of those objects have different methods. I tried using different dll reading tools, but all the export methods show up as garbage. I also tried importing the dll in visual studio, but I get an error stating the dll is not accessible and/or not a COM object or assembly. So, I only know about the methods from the old documentation which is sparse.
Any ideas on how to access in C# and/or find out more about this mystery dll?