Whats the recommended location, to save user preference files? Is there a recommmended method(or should I call it pattern) of dealing with user preferences?
Currently I use the path returned from typeof(MyLibrary).Assembly.Location as a default location to store files generated or required by the app.
EDIT: Found two related/interesting questions:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/147533/best-place-to-save-user-information-xp-and-vista http://stackoverflow.com/questions/348022/whats-the-way-to-implement-save-load-functionality
EDIT #2: This is just a note for people like me who had never used settings before. Settings are pretty useful, but I had to do a whole bunch of digging to figure out what was going on (Coming from a python world, not something I am used too). Things got complicated as I wanted to save dictionaries and apparently they cant be serialized. Settings also seem to get stored in 3 different files depending on what you do, There is an app.config, user.config and a settings.setting file. So here are two more links that I found useful:
http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/csharpgeneral/thread/ddeaca86-a093-4997-82c9-01bc0c630138 http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winforms/thread/efe370dc-f933-4e55-adf7-3cd8063949b0/
I am going to try and conduct, a bit of a social experiment. I am going to "award" the answer to any kind soul out there who would merge all these bits of information from the links and the answers of Sailingjudo/Nir/Samuel below into a more "complete" answer. If nothing happens in a week, SailingJudo gets selected by default for putting me on the right track. Or maybe I should just turn this into a community wiki?...still have to find out what that is...stackoverflow n00b here. Stackoverflow rocks btw! Thanks to everyone for their contributions!