



Here is a simple XAML snippet:

<Grid x:Name="ContentGrid"> <ContentControl Background="Yellow" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"></ContentControl> </Grid>

In WPF, the content control stretches the entire height of the grid.

In WP7 however, the content control does not stretch.



Avoid using ContentControl directly.
If you use something which inherits from it, such as a button, then, in a grid, as per your example, you'll automatically get horizontal and vertical stretching.
This will creat a button with a yellow background which fills the screen:

<Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Grid.Row="1" Margin="12,0,12,0">
    <Button Background="Yellow" />

However, if you just wanted a yellow background to your grid - which is all your sample would do - you could just set the background property on the grid itself.

Matt Lacey
Sure, but _why_ doesn't stretch work for ContentControls?

I fixed this by defining my own template:

<ContentControl><ContentControl.Template><ControlTemplate><ContentPresenter/> ...

Not sure why it fixes it but it works....