i use webflow in a my grails application, i have 2 tables with relation ManyToMany in hibernate mode. this relation as u know, creates a table with 2 primary keys of the original tables, both be the primary key of the third table.
my tables are destination and destinationGroup.
i write a select statement with dynamic finders to have a list of destnation group that has specific destination. i try these ways and no effect for any one: 1-
def DestinationInstance = Destination.get(params.destination)
flow.DestinationGroupList = DestinationGroup.executeQuery("select distinct d.name,d.description from DestinationGroup d where d.destinations = :p",[p:DestinationInstance])
def DestinationInstance = Destination.get(params.destination)
flow.destinationGroupList = DestinationGroup.findAllWhere(Destinations:destinationInstance)
def DestinationInstance = Destination.get(params.destination)
flow.destinationGroupList = DestinationGroup.findAll("from DestinationGroup as d where d.destinations =:p", [p:destinationInstance]
these 3 statement has no effect, if there is any why for solving this problem please till me about it. thanks