I've taken the following code from http://www.ocaml-tutorial.org/data_types_and_matching
I've been trying to write a C stub for following, to invoke from our PHP codebase. I can't quite understand how (and if) I'm supposed to create a typedef for the following Ocaml type expr, and how I can access the function multiply_out from the C stub?
I'm a newbie to Ocaml and we're evaluating it to see if it'll be useful to us in creating a small grammar for our math web app.
type expr = Plus of expr * expr (* means a + b *)
| Minus of expr * expr (* means a - b *)
| Times of expr * expr (* means a * b *)
| Divide of expr * expr (* means a / b *)
| Value of string (* "x", "y", "n", etc. *)
let rec multiply_out e =
match e with
Times (e1, Plus (e2, e3)) ->
Plus (Times (multiply_out e1, multiply_out e2),
Times (multiply_out e1, multiply_out e3))
| Times (Plus (e1, e2), e3) ->
Plus (Times (multiply_out e1, multiply_out e3),
Times (multiply_out e2, multiply_out e3))
| Plus (left, right) -> Plus (multiply_out left, multiply_out right)
| Minus (left, right) -> Minus (multiply_out left, multiply_out right)
| Times (left, right) -> Times (multiply_out left, multiply_out right)
| Divide (left, right) -> Divide (multiply_out left, multiply_out right)
| Value v -> Value v
Any suggestions will be a big help! Thanks!