





I am using the MVVM structure for our application. I have added the view as a data template to a grid (Developer Express DXGrid).

<DataTemplate x:Key="cardTemplate">
     <ui:MediaEnquiryParticipantView x:Name="mediaEnquiryParticipantView"/>

Now, my problem is that i want that View(MediaEnquiryParticipantView) to represent 1 row of a table.

How do i approach my problem?

<dxg:GridControl Name="grdParticipants"
                     Height="Auto" Width="Auto"
                     VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"
                     DataSource="{Binding Path=MediaEnquiryParticipantList,Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
                <DataTemplate x:Key="headerTemplateFullName">
                    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                        <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Data.caUser.UserName}" />
                <DataTemplate x:Key="cardTemplate">
                    <ui:MediaEnquiryParticipantView x:Name="mediaEnquiryParticipantView" MediaEnquiryID="{Binding Path=Data.MediaEnquiryID}"/>
                <dxg:GridColumn FieldName="UserName" Width="150" AllowColumnFiltering="False"/>
                <dxg:GridColumn FieldName="CanResolve" Width="150" AllowColumnFiltering="False"/>
                <dxg:CardView x:Name="cardView"                                  
                              CardHeaderTemplate="{DynamicResource headerTemplateFullName}"
                              CardTemplate="{DynamicResource cardTemplate}">
                        <dxb:BarButtonItemLink BarItemName="btnDelete" />

The grid above is displaying "MediaEnquiryParticipantView" in a cardview form. The grid in part of "MediaEnquiryParticipantsView" I have separate view models for each.

My code for MediaEnquiryParticipantViewModel:

public class MediaEnquiryParticipantViewModel : ViewModelBase
    #region Fields

    private IQueryable<caUser> userList;

    #endregion Fields

    #region Constructors

    public MediaEnquiryParticipantViewModel(SessionContext sessionContext, NavigationItem navigationItem, MediaEnquiryViewModel mediaEnquiryViewModel, Mediator mediator)
        : base(mediator)
        SessionContext = sessionContext;
        NavigationItem = navigationItem;

    #endregion Constructors

    #region Properties

    public IQueryable<caUser> UserList
            if (userList == null)
                userList = GetUserList();
            return userList;
            userList = value;

    #endregion Properties

    #region Methods

    private IQueryable<caUser> GetUserList()
        IQueryable<caUser> list = (from u in ((Chase_Media_Pro_Entity_Model)this.NavigationItem.ObjectContext).caUser
                                   select u);

        return list;

    #endregion Methods

The userList is for the combo box in MediaEnquiryParticipantView.


hi, if you specify the DataType for the row it should work.

<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type YourRowObjectTypeGoesHere}">
    <ui:MediaEnquiryParticipantView />

with that DataTemplate all row objects will displayed as a MediaEnquiryParticipantView.


<ListBox ItemSource={Binding YourViewModelListTable}>


if your YourViewModelListTable just contains your templated rows. they will be shown in the listbox as ui:MediaEnquiryParticipantView for each row.

Hi, thanks for the response. I have a problem with the data template tho. I have a question first: When the grid generates the data template, does it create a new object every time for each data template? Second, I have combo boxes i need to populate on the view as well. Now my problem is that i need to do it in the View Model. I need to know how to approach this cause i need to create the view model some how.
Wouldn't it be a better option to bind the primary key(MediaEnquiryParticipantID) to a dependency property in the MediaEnquiryParticipantView and from there create my viewmodel and populate the controls? Why i'm asking is that i have tried the datatype, but with no luck....
if you use datatemplate for creating your view for your viewmodels, you are right every time a new view is created. maybe you should post your code for the datagrid and your viewmodel. i posted some sample code which should work in general.
Oky, code is added. Have a look and tell me what you think.
Just to clarify my structure. I have a mainView (MediaEnquiryView). On this view i display the view with the grid on (MediaEnquiryParticipantsView) and the card template consists of the (MediaEnquiryParticipantView), with a combo box and a few other controls. The binding of the MediaEnquiryParticipantView on the MediaEnquiryParticipantsView should be in such a way that i can still edit the values in the in the card template (MediaEnquiryParticipantView) and update the relevant data in the MediaEnquiryParticipantsView. Hope it makes scene. =)