



You have regular user's that use your website/services, they can login to mainsite1, then you have developers, that can not login to mainsite1, but can login to developercenter1.

1) Do you store every type of users into 1 large USER table then assign different roles?


2) Do you create a completely separate table just for developer's? since they are both completely different user's using two different sites?

+1  A: 

id use a roles based system as having 2 similar data structures may be a bad idea going forward - if you change one and not the other then you may have issues

+1  A: 

It's probably appropriate to centralise the logins, then add roles, and then link special properties for each group through a related table.

So yes, I'd assign roles, and keep login centralised (this means it can be one codebase to do the login, which is good).

Noon Silk