



On a regular aspx page, I have events such as Page_Init, Page_Unload, etc., which occur in a well-defined order.

I have an asmx page providing [WebMethod()]s. Do similar events exist? In particular, some events that allow me to initialize some data (like Page_Load) and do some clean-up (like Page_Unload) would be extremely useful.

(As far as I can tell, the constructor of the asmx code-behind class seems to be called on every WebMethod request, i.e., a new instance is created for every WebMethod request, but this is just an observation and not something I've found documented somewhere...)


asmx objects are not derived from Page, rather from System.Web.Services.WebService, so they will not have the events you are looking for.

Otávio Décio
+1  A: 

Yes - Otavio is correct, there is no Page events for ASMX Web Services, as they do not derive from Page.

However, The request follows the regular ASP.NET processing pipeline.

There is a point in the process where the relevant IHttpHandler is executed. This can be a page, a generic HTTP handler, or a web service.

This is where the web service request execution happens.

So, it really depends on what you're trying to do here. The ctor should provide a good hook-in to pre-request execution. If you're looking for something even earlier, then you will likely need to hook into a Global.asax event.
